Blasting Nozzles
Blasting Nozzles of the Highest Quality
- We offer blasting nozzles of the highest quality made of Tungsten Carbide or Silicon Carbide with Aluminium or Nylon Jacket, recommended for the majority of blasting works
- The Tungsten Carbide nozzles are widely used for a great number of blasting operations
Our offer of Blasting Nozzles include:
Internal Pipe Blasting Tool: ConeBlast 1/2” by GritSablare
Pipe interior diameter: 50 mm (2”) and 305 mm (12”)
- Internal Pipe Blasting Tool ConeBlast 1/2" by GritSablare is designed to blast the inside surface area of pipes, in sizes ranging from 50mm (2") to 305mm (12") internal diameter.
- The ConeBlast 1/2" unit comes complete with a set of centring collars to centre the tool within the pipe. A fully adjustable centring carriage is also available as an optional for the ConeBlast 1/2" unit, which is used for pipe diameters between 125 mm (5") and 305 mm (12").
- Abrasive Recommendations: The selection of abrasive media generally dictates the surface profile and abrasive blast cleaning rates. The abrasives with larger particle size and high bulk density will usually achieve a greater surface profile, whilst small light density abrasives will clean faster. The ConeBlast ½ assembly is designed to run abrasive media sizes of 25 mesh and finer. Usually, G40 or G50 steel grit abrasive works very well.
- Note: Soft abrasive media types will provide poor results due to the high break-up factor after impacting against the deflection tip. The use of hard abrasives such as silicon carbide/aluminium oxide will produce accelerated wear of the ConeBlast 1/2" deflection tip. If hard abrasive type must be utilized it is recommended to upgrade the deflection tip to the Boron Carbide Deflection Tip stock code: YAC-BA-PB-0121.
Internal Pipe Blasting Tool: Tornado by GritSablare
Pipe interior diameter: 200 mm (8”) and 900 mm (36”), up to 1525 mm (60”)
- Tornado by GritSablare Internal Pipe Blasting Tool uses a rotating blast head to provide efficient abrasive blasting of internal pipe surfaces. The standard tool is suitable for blasting pipe sizes from 8” (200 mm) ID to 36” (900 mm) ID. An optional contractor head enables blasting of pipe up to 60” (1525 mm) ID.
- Tornado Internal Pipe Blasting Carriage Sets allow fitting of internal blasting tools to various pipe diameters..
- Fully adjustable to a specific range of pipe diameters.
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O colaborare frumoasă, calitatea, promptitudinea și onestitatea ne-au adus pe un drum frumos...
Răzvan Harabagiu, Acționar | Manager executiv, Alpaccess, România
Un brand de încredere, o echipă profesionistă, un serviciu ireproșabil! Suntem bucuroși că îi avem ca furnizori de materiale de sablare și echipamente.
Iulian Duna, Project Manager, Industrial Cruman, Ploiești - România
GritSablare, un partener prompt, serios, aplecat întotdeauna spre cunoașterea și căutarea de soluții care vin în urma solicitărilor clienților.
Daniel Morari, COSMA Glass - debitare cu jet de apă
GritSablare, cel mai mare depozit de materiale de sablare pe care îl cunoaștem... un sistem de plată foarte flexibil pentru utilajele de sablare, una peste alta, o alegere foarte bună!
Ionel Zelca, Owner, Industrial Painting SRL - sablare și vopsire în câmp electrostatic
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