Restoring Concrete Buildings

Restoring Concrete Buildings

When it comes to restoring concrete buildings, the process of cleaning them by means of blasting is superior to any other exfoliating method.

This is both a reliable and an economic and very quick solution, providing a very good effect in preparing concrete surfaces for being restored by the newest standards.

The results obtained are very good even when the concrete had been unprotected for long periods of time – thus being deteriorated and contaminated. In such cases, the restoration works cannot be done without a careful removal of the surface layer, which can be done perfectly through abrasive grit blasting.

We provide first-class quality products, build long term relationships and develop strong connections with our clients


Constanța Seaport, Gate 2, Constanța, RO
(Follow Google Maps or Waze )

Telefon: +4 072SABLARE