Water Jet Cutting Materials

FREE: we provide blasting waste recovery services for materials purchased from us. Offer subject to certain terms and conditions.

Angular Shape

Water Jet Cutting Red Garnet

Red Garnet for Water Jet Cutting

  • Ideal for water jet cutting thanks to its unique series of features such are: hardness, density, friability and particle shape;
  • The material contains green granat particles of superior hardness, which ensure an enhanced cutting force;
  • Superior Toughness: Mohs Hardness 7.0 - 8.0;
  • Ecological Product and Non-Toxic Material (Low Free Silica Content <0.1%).
Ecological Product
In accordance with
UE Regulations
  • 80 Mesh
  • 120 Mesh
  • Bags of 25 Kg
    [All types]
  • Big Bags of 1 Tonne
    [All types]
  • The material must be stored in a dry place.

Angular Shape

Emery Water jet cutting

Emery: An ideal abrasive for Water Jet Cutting

  • Natural rock, chemically stable, with superior hardness 7.8 - 8 on Mohs scale, this mineral is an ideal abrasive for water jet cutting machines.
  • This material is a natural mix of Almandine rock Fe3Al2(SiO2) with Mg and Mn in partial substitution for Fe, and other mineral traces.
  • The multi-faceted particles of the material, with sharp edges, have superior cutting properties for different types of materials.
  • Considering type, Emery cuts easily through hard materials, from Steel and Stainless Steel, to Rock and Granite.
Ecological Product
In accordance with
  • 80 Mesh
  • 120 Mesh
  • Bags of 30 Kg
    [All types]
  • The material must be stored in a dry place.

Natural mineral

Olivine for Water-Jet Cutting

Olivine for Water-Jet Cutting

  • OLIVINE is produced from olivine, a naturally occurring refractory mineral, composed of forsterite, Mg2SiO4 and fayalite Fe2SiO4.
  • Features: The high refractory value of 1760°C is achieved through its effective oxide content of approximately 49% Magnesium oxide, 42% Silicon dioxide and 7% Iron oxide. OLIVINE finds application over the entire range of fired and chemically bonded basic refractory applications.
  • With high chemical stability and high impact resistance, olivine is an ideal material for multiple water jet cutting applications, where a high level of accuracy is a priority.
ISO Certified 9001
ISO Certified 14001
ISO Certified 50001
No free silica
Ecological Product
Ideal Media for
Water Jet Cutting
  • Olivine No 11 PO (< 0.063 mm)
  • Olivine AFS 120 DS (0.063 - 0.125 mm)
  • Olivine MIX 1675 DS (0.063 - 0.180 mm)
  • Olivine AFS 80 DS (0.090 - 0.180 mm)
  • Olivine AFS 50 DS (0.180 - 0.250 mm)
  • Olivine AFS 45 DS (0.180 - 0.500 mm)
  • Olivine AFS 30 DS (0.355 - 0.710 mm)
  • Olivine MIX 1800 DS (0.125 - 0.710 mm)
  • Olivine AFS 20DS (0.710 - 1.40 mm)
  • Bulk Bags
  • Big Bags
  • Bags of 25 Kg (Moisture Proof Paper Bags)
  • The material must be stored in a dry place.
More Info about what Water Jet Cutting Material
Is Suited for Your Needs


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