Blasting Media Calcium Silicate (SCOREX)

We offer complete authorized environmental services for the collection and recovery of used blasting material purchased from us.

Angular Shape

Blasting Media Calcium Silicate (SCOREX)

Blasting Materials distributed by GritSablare are characterized by outstanding quality. This quality is reflected in an above-average service life, a very high productivity and value retention.

Blasting Media Calcium Silicate (SCOREX)

  • High-performance abrasive made from granulated blast furnace slag (calcium silicate), formed during steel production in a blast furnace;
  • Because of its optimised particle size distribution, SCOREX removes the existing coating whilst simultaneously creating a suitable surface profile with a nice silver finish;
  • Uses: SCOREX performs in a variety of applications. Particularly suitable for blast cleaning and treatment of natural stone, wood and concrete surfaces, as well as for stainless steel and aluminium. It delivers great results in the preparation of façades and monuments.
ISO Certified 11126-6
ISO Certified 11127
Content <1%
free silica
Ecological Product
Blasting Media
Made in EU
    SC250: 0.1 - 0.4 mm
    SC06: 0.2 - 0.6 mm
    SC08: 0.2 - 1.0 mm
    SC15: 0.2 - 1.5 mm
    SCX: 0.5 - 1.6 mm
    SC25: 0.2 - 2.5 mm
    SCST: 0.5 - 2.5 mm
  • ScorexPlus
    SCP06: 0.2 - 0.6 mm
    SCP08: 0.2 - 1.0 mm
    SCP15: 0.2 - 1.4 mm
    SCPX: 0.5 - 1.6 mm
    SCP25: 0.2 - 2.5 mm
    SCPST: 0.5 - 2.5 mm
  • 3-ply paper bags of 25 kg, on shrinkfoiled pallets
  • Strong woven polypropylene big bags, with 4 lifting loops
  • The material must be stored in a dry place.

Calcium Silicate Types

Blasting Media Calcium Silicate SCOREX
  • Scorex® is a blast cleaning grit made of iron furnace slag, also called calcium silicate.
  • Scorex® is designed for blast cleaning of steel and stone/concrete surfaces, removal of mill scale, rust, old paint, dirt etc.
  • Suitable for SA-3, SA-2½ and SA-2, as well as SA-1, also called sweep blasting.
  • Very suitable for the cleaning of stone and concrete (facade cleaning).
  • Scorex® is accurately processed and sized and fully complies with ISO standards 11126-6 and 11127.
  • It contains less than 1% free crystalline silica.
Blasting Media Calcium Silicate ScorexPlus
  • ScorexPlus is a blast cleaning grit made of a blend of high quality iron furnace slag and recycled sodium silicate glass.
  • ScorexPlus is designed for blast cleaning of steel and stone/concrete surfaces, removal of mill scale, rust, old paint, dirt etc.
  • Suitable for SA-3, SA-2½ and SA-2, as well as SA-1, also called sweep blasting.
  • ScorexPlus is accurately processed and sized and fully complies with ISO standards 11126-6 and 11127.
  • It contains less than 1% free crystalline silica.

SCOREX Description

Granulated blast furnace slag (calcium silicate)
Granulated blast furnace slag (calcium silicate)
  • SCOREX is a high-performance abrasive made from granulated blast furnace slag (calcium silicate), formed during steel production in a blast furnace.
  • Granulation of the molten slag in water produces a hard, angular abrasive with an attractive sandy appearance and a very low metal content.
  • Consistent performance makes SCOREX suitable for surface preparation standards Sa 1, Sa 2, Sa 2½ and Sa 3, as well as for sweep blasting.
  • SCOREX is a non-hazardous material containing less than 1% free crystalline silica with very low dust levels.

Calcium Silicate Application

Calcium Silicate Stainless steel blasting
Stainless steel blasting
Calcium Silicate (SCOREX) is an abrasive material ideal for blasting stainless steel tubs, food tanks, ventilation ducts, etc. This material is heavily used and it does not impregnate on the blasted surfaces.

Restoration of Concrete Surfaces, Facades
Restoration of Concrete Surfaces, Facades
Being an ecological product, calcium silicate is a blasting media that can be used outside for blasting stone, concrete, brick surfaces, being ideal for cleaning the facades of buildings and houses.

Physical and Chemical Properties

Physical Properties: SCOREX Scorex Plus
Shape: sharp and angular sharp and angular
Color: light brown light-brown / green / beige / white
Hardness: 6 - 7 Mohs > 6 Mohs
Specific density 2.3 - 3.0 kg/dm3 2.4 - 2.6 kg/dm3
Loose bulk density 1.3 - 1.4 kg/dm3 1.3 - 1.4 kg/dm3
Conductivity: less than 250 μS/cm less than 25 μS/cm
Water-soluble chlorides: less than 0.0025% (m/m) less than 0.0025% (m/m)
Moisture (%): N/A <0.2%
pH: N/A 10 - 11
Loss on ignition (LOI): N/A 0.1 - 0.3%
Chemical composition (%): SCOREX Scorex Plus
SiO2: 35 - 40 % in bound form, <1% free silica 50 - 58 % in bound form, <1% free silica
CaO: 32 - 38 % 20 - 26 %
MgO: 8 - 15 % 4 - 8 %
Al2O3: 8 - 15 % 5 - 9 %
Na2O: - 5 - 8 %
Fe2O3: 0 - 3 % 0.4 - 0.6 %
K2O: 0 - 2 % -
Other: traces only traces only
ISO Standard 11126 Certified
ISO Standard 11127 Certified
ISO 11126-6 Certified – Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Specifications for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives.
ISO 11127 Certified – Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Test methods for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives.
Ecological Product
All tests made on the calcium silicate categorised the product as non-toxic. All the analysed parameters scored below the toxicity levels imposed by the law.

Calcium Silicate User Safety

Calcium Silicate is a safe, ecologic and stable material. It does not need special attention while handled. Wearing personal protection equipment is necessary, as well as avoiding eye contact. Storing this material does not require special conditions. All it needs is a good air ventilation in the storage space.

In case of inhalation, the affected person must be taken out, to fresh air, and kept in a comfortable position so he/she can breathe properly. If he/she has difficulties breathing, oxygen can be administered. If he/she stops breathing, CPR manoeuvres can be performed. In this case, a medical intervention is also necessary.

Avoid direct contact with the skin. If your skin entered in direct contact with this abrasive material, you must wash the affected area with clean water for 20 minutes. Use a soft soap and clean water.

In case of ingestion, a doctor’s intervention is necessary. All treatments applied to the victim must take into account the symptoms showed by that victim.

Avoid walking through the material and always wear personal protective equipment. In case of leakages, one must insulate the area on an approximately 25 meters radius in all directions. It is forbidden to spill this material in water. Please avoid dust. Use professional vacuum cleaners to clean the area.

This material comprises silicate crystals and/or quartz. According to the IARC Monographs for assessing the hazards posed by chemical substances to people, this material bears a potential risk of cancer.

Are you looking for an universal blasting media?


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Telefon: +4 072SABLARE